Comparative analysis of different water samples as Buffer in Leishman stain.






African Journal of Laboratory Haematology 

and Transfusion Science Volume 1, Issue 2&3: page 120 134 2022. ARTICLE ID: 2022AJLHTS0002 

www.hbtssn.org/ajlhts ISSN (Print): 28140591; (Online): 28140605 



  • VIV





Comparative analysis of different water samples as Buffer in Leishman stain

Okafor, Ifeyinwa Maryann, Anagha Grace Olachi, Okoroiwu Henshaw Uchechi and Etura, Joyce Ezekiel 

Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion Science, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Science, College of Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, Nigeria. Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Arthur Javis University, Akpabuyo, Cross River State

Abstract Introduction Staining of blood films remains one of the most essential part of haematology. The different blood cells have different intracellular structure that take up stains according to chemical nature. Leishman stain is one of the Romanowsky stains used in the haematology laboratory for the staining of blood films. It contains methylene blue and eosin dye prepared in an alcohol medium and is diluted with a buffer. Phosphate buffer is used during Leishman stain as it acts as a mordant enhancing staining reactions and it is the recommended and best buffer for staining

Aim This comparative study was aimed at determining if different water samples used as buffer show significant effects on the morphology of blood cells during Leishman staining

Corresponding author: Dr. Okafor, Ifeyinwa Maryann Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion Science, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Science, University of Calabar, PMB 1115 Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

Methods pH analyses of different water sources such as water from borehole, waterboard, rainwater, fridgewater, distilled water and air conditioned water were carried out and used as buffers to carry out Leishmann staining on blood films. The stained slides were examined macroscopically and microscopically using 100x objective

Email: okaforify maryann@yahoo.c om Tel: +2348080680620 

Received: March 03, 2022, Accepted: July 8, 2022, Published: September 30, 2022 

Results The study has shown that deionized and tap water used as buffer could produce moderately good film with well stained red cells, white cells and platelets. Rainwater, distilled, fridge and air conditioned water showed a significant change in the morphology of blood cells both in 


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Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

an apparently healthy film and a diseased film 

Conclusion This study demonstrates that deionized water and tap water devoid of chlorine can be used as substitutes in the right pH of 6.8 in a situation where phosphate buffer is not available. It is therefore recommended that quality control should be carried out to check the quality of stains and buffer used for staining films in order to produce quality results. Keywords: Leishman stain, Buffer, Water 

Introduction Different blood cells in our body have different shapes and sizes, which take up stains according to their structures. Some of the components of the blood cells are basophilic, that is they have great affinity to acidic dyes while some components of blood cells are acidophilic meaning they have affinity to basic dyes and also some components neutral and have high affinity to neutral dyes [1]

Romanowsky stains are types of stains employed for staining of blood cells. Almost all Romanowsky stains have two essential components; acidic and basic dye. Methylene blue is a basic dye with high affinity to the acidic component of the cell which is the nucleus, Eosin is the acidic dye that has high affinity to the basic component of the cell which is the cytoplasm and some granules of the cell [2,3]. Many Romaowsky stains are prepared with methanol which acts as a fixative and also as a cellular stain. These are four types of romanowsky stains commonly used in haematology laboratory for staining blood cells, they include: leishman stain, giemsa stain, field stain and wright stains[4,5)

Leishman stain is a type of Romanowsky stain containing a mixture of methylene blue and eosin dye prepared in an alcohol medium and diluted with buffer of pH6.8. The buffer acts as a mordant, it enhances staining reactions 

and give better morphology of the blood cells under the microscope[6,7]

Leishman stain is used to stain various components of blood cells and also used to study bacterial cells. It is the basic routine stain for staining and examination of peripheral blood films under the microscope. It is also good for the examination of haemoparasite such as plasmodium species. Phosphate buffer is highly water soluble and has high buffering capacity that inhibits enzymatic activity and will precipitate in ethanol. It is one of the most used buffer employed in the haematology laboratory during Leishman staining [2,8]. Occasionally because of unavailability of phosphate buffer especially in resourcelimited areas, available water samples are used as buffer

These are different water sources that were analysed in this study: Tap water, fridge water, Distilled water, rain water and air conditioned water. Tap water is water supplied through a tap (valve) and distributed through pipes (plumbing). Fridge water is gotten from refrigerator after it has defrosted. Distilled water is steam from boiling water that has been cooled and returned to its liquid state. Rain water is collected from rainfall directly or from roof like surfaces. [3,5]. Air conditioned water is water formed from the cold coils of the air conditioner through squeezing and 

in is 


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Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

The different water sources were blindly labelled 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 for identification

condensation of hot air in the room [4,6]

The different water types have different pH and different chemical elements in them, which may exert significant effect on the morphology of the blood cells when used in leishman staining. However, the effects of these water samples in leishman stain have not been extensively studied, hence, the reason for the study

  1. 3

Materials and Methods Study Design This was a comparative and analytical study that was carried out for four months, between March to July, 2021 at University of Calabar 

Teaching Hospital Calabar

Making of blood film 1. A microscope slide was cleaned with

cotton wool to remove debris and make it 

grease free. 2. A small drop of well mixed blood sample 

was placed at the centre 2cm of the length of the slide. A clean smooth edged spreader was used; the spreader is held at angle of about 45° and is drawn back to touch the drop of blood; blood is allowed to spread to the edge of the spreader. The spreader was pushed gently and quickly forward, making a film in the process; the edge of the spreader is wiped 

clean. 5. The blood film was allowed to dry 

completely; and slide labelled appropriately


Study Area The study was carried out in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria specifically at Haematology Laboratory, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital Calabar

Sample collection 

Water samples from the respective sources were collected and stored in 4 litres Jerry can and labeled accordingly as Tap water (bore hole), Tap water (water Board), Fridge water, Rain water, Air conditioner 

water and Distilled water. 2. About 2ml of blood was collected from 

patients with different pathological conditions (Sickle cell anaemia) and apparently healthy Individual which was used to prepare blood films

Leishman staining 1. The air dried thin film was placed on

staining rack with smear surface upwards. 2. The entire area of the smear was flooded 

with Leishmans stain. 3. The flooded slide was allowed to stand for 

2 minutes. To ensure cells are fixed 

properly by methanol 4. The stain was double diluted with 

standard buffer of pH 6.8 and also water 

from other sources as buffer differently. 5. The slide was blown gently to enhance 

mixture of stain with buffer; a metallic sheen is formed over the surface of the 

fluid and allowed to stand for 10 minutes. 6. The stain was rinsed with tap water. 7. The reverse side of the slide was carefully 

wiped with a soft absorbent tissue. 8. Slide was kept on a slide rack and allowed 

to air dry

Water Analysis Water from different sources; Tap water(bore hole), Tap water(water Board), Rain water, Fridge water, Air conditioned water and Distilled water was collected and put inside a clean container and sent to CROSS RIVER STATE WATERBOARD LTD. for analysis


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Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

Constituents of phosphate buffer: 28.39g of morphology of the cells. disodium hydrogen phosphate dissolved in one PLATE 4 shows wellstained erythrocyte liter of distilled water. The pH range is checked with faint staining of monocyte (M) and using a pH meter

platelet (P) stained with Leishman stain using 

tap water from waterboard as buffer and viewed Microscopy 

with x 400 magnification. In this plate, central The stained film was air dried and viewed under pallor is not well defined and the faintly stained the microscope using x10 and x100 oil monocyte could be as a result of the amount of immersion lens. The film was chlorine present in the water used as buffer. photomicrographed using photomicrograph P LATE 5 shows wellstained erythrocyte microscope and the films were compared. , lymphocyte (L) and platelets (P) stained using 

Leishman stain using rainwater as buffer and Results 

viewed with x 400 magnification. Appearance of stained blood films 

PLATE 6 shows wellstained erythrocyte A well stained thin blood film appeared salmon , neutrophil (N), and platelet (P) stained using pink

Leishman stain using fridge water as buffer and Nucleus of the cell appeared purpleviolet. viewed with x400 magnification. The Eosinophil granules appeared orangered. erythrocytes appear crenated and not clearly Neutrophil granules appeared mauve purple. defined. Basophil granules appeared dark blue

PLATE 7 shows erythrocyte with Red blood cells appeared Salmon pink

fluorescence at the center, wellstained Platelets appeared small with violet granules. neutrophil (N), and faintlystained platelets (P) Lymphocytes and monocytes appeared pale stained using Leishman stain using distilled blue 

water as buffer and viewed with x 400 

magnification. The erythrocytes are not clearly PLATE 1 shows the film of an apparently defined and they appear crenated. healthy individual stained with leishman stain PLATE 8 shows moderatelystained using phosphate buffer and viewed with x 400 erythrocyte , lymphocyte (L), and platelet (P) magnification. It shows well stained stained using Leishman stain using air erythrocytes , eosinophil (EO), neutrophils conditioned water as buffer viewed with x 400 (N), basophils (B), monocytes (M) and magnification. The erythrocytes show crenated lymphocytes (L)

cells and are not well defined. PLATE 2 shows wellstained erythrocyte PLATE 9 shows a sickle cell film stained , eosinophil (EO), neutrophil (N), and with leishman stain using phosphate buffer and platelets(P) stained with Leishman stain using viewed with x400 magnification. It shows well deionized water as buffer and viewed with x400 stained erythrocytes and sickle red cells. magnification. The morphology of the cells are PLATE 10 shows poorlystained well defined without any distortion and erythrocyte , wellstained lymphocyte (L), presence of crenated red cell

and moderatelystained platelet (P) stained PLATE 3 shows wellstained erythrocyte using Leishman stain using deionized water as , Lymphocyte (L), and platelets (P) stained buffer viewed with x400 magnification. The red with Leishman stain using tap water from cell morphology is distorted and appear like borehole as buffer and viewed with x400 crystals. magnification. There is no distortion in the 


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PLATE 11 shows poorlystained erythrocyte , moderatelystained neutrophil (N), and poorlystained platelet (P) stained using Leishman stain using tap water from borehole as buffer and viewed with x400 magnification. The morphology of the red cells are not well defined

PLATE 12 shows poorlystained erythrocyte , lymphocyte (L), and platelet (P) with numerous artefacts (A) in the background stained using Leishman stain using tap water from waterboard as buffer and viewed with x400 magnification. The red cells are not exactly well defined which could be as a result of the amount of chlorine present in the water

PLATE 13 shows poorlystained erythrocyte , neutrophil (N), and platelet (P) with numerous artefacts (A) in the background stained using Leishman stain using rainwater as buffer and viewed with x400 magnification

PLATE 14 shows poorlystained erythrocyte and neutrophils (N) with numerous artefacts (A) in the background stained using Leishman stain using fridge water as buffer and viewed with x400 magnification

PLATE 15 shows poorlystained erythrocyte , lymphocytes (L) and neutrophil (N) with numerous artefacts (A) in the background stained using Leishman stain using distilled water as buffer and viewed with x400 magnification

PLATE 16 shows poorlystained erythrocyte and lymphocytes (L) with numerous artefacts (A) in the background stained using Leishman stain using air conditioned water and viewed with x400 magnification

Table 1 and 2 shows the result of water analysis. The table shows that different water sources has different Ph and different chemical constituents

leishman staining by enhancing staining reaction [1]. It intensifies the stain and helps to attach the dyes methylene blue and eosin to the blood cells

This study has shown that other water samples as buffer indeed interferes with staining results. Deionized water used as buffer was able to stain the red cells, white cells and platelets very well in a normal film as shown in plate 2, it could not stain the red cells and platelets properly but could barely stain the white cells well in sickle cell film as shown in plate 10

Tap water from borehole used as buffer was able to stain the red cells, white cells and platelets in a normal film as shown in plate 3, it could not stain the red cells and platelets properly but moderately stained the white blood cells in a sickle cell film as shown in plate 11 whereas Tap water from waterboard used as buffer was able to stain the red cells and platelets well but was not able to stain the white blood cells properly in normal film as shown in plate 4, in sickle cell film, the red cells, white cell and platelets appeared poorly stained as shown in plate 12. The difference in staining properties that were observed in tap, deionized and waterboard water may be attributed to chlorine which is present in waterboard water but absent in both tap and deionized water

However, Rainwater used as buffer as shown in plate 5 was able to stain the white cells, platelets and red cells very well in a normal film but in plate 13, it poorly stained the red cells, white cells and platelets in sickle cell film. Whereas Fridge water used as buffer stained the white cells and platelets very well, red cells appearing crenated as shown in plate 6 in normal film but in sickle cell film, it stained the red cells, white cells and platelets very poorly as shown in plate 14. The crenation of red cells observed in fridge water could be as a result of the slight acidic pH of the water

Furthermore, distilled water used as buffer stained white cells well, platelets 

Discussion Phosphate buffer acts as mordant during 


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Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

appeared faintly stained and it stained the red cells poorly with the cells appearing crenated and with fluorescence at the center as shown in plate 7 in normal film while in sickle cell film, it stained very poorly the red cells, white cells and platelets as shown in plate 15

On the other hand, air conditioned water used as buffer, moderately stained the red cells, white cells and platelets as shown in plate 8 in normal film but in sickle cell film, the red cells, white cells and platelets are poorly stained as shown in plate 16. The water sources used as buffer could not stain the cells properly because 

of its inability to intensify and fix the dyes to the blood cells. Another reason the water sources were not able to stain the blood cells well could be because of their varying pH. In normal blood film, the study shows that some of the water samples such as deionized water, tap water without chlorine could be used as substitutes for phosphate buffer in a situation where it is not available or in areas where it is not easily accessible. In diseased film, the study has shown that it is best to use the recommended phosphate buffer during leishman staining for the production of better results






2 (Urban 

10 Guideline Undergrou 


Board Water

(Rain Water

(Fridge Drain Water

(Distilled Water

(AC Water

(Deionized Water










Ammonia NH3-N 











Calcium Ca 








Mg/L Mg/

50 10








Chlorine C1 Coliforms (Feacal) counts/100ml 







Coliforms (Total) counts/100ml 










Copper Cu 

















Dissolved Oxygen 

Electrical coductivity 







Fluoride F 








Mg/L Mg/

1.0 100 



0.44 68.





Hardness (Total) as Caco




















Ambient 6.58.5 200 250 

Mg/L Mg/


28.0 3.6 6.25 8.69 






pH Phosphate Total Alkalinity as CaCO, Turbidity 



2.61 8.1

















Afr J Lab Haem Trans Sci 2022, 1(2): 120 134 


Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

0,80 °•

Plate 1showing wellstained erythrocyte , eosinophil (EO), neutrophil (N), monocytes (M), basophil (B), Lymphocytes (L) and platelets (P) using Phosphate 

buffer. Leishman x400 magnification 

Plate 2showing wellstained erythrocyte , eosinophil (EO), neutrophil (N), and 

platelets(P) using deionized water as buffer. Leishman x400 magnification 


Afr J Lab Haem Trans Sci 2022, 1(2): 120 13

Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

Plate 3showing wellstained erythrocyte , Lymphocyte (L), and platelets (P) using tapwater gotten from underground borehole as buffer. Leishman x400 


Plate 4showing wellstained erythrocytet with faint staining of monocyte (M) and platelet (P) using tapwater gotten from waterboard as buffer

Leishman x400magnification 

Afr J Lab Haem Trans Sci 2022, 1(2): 120 134 


Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

Plate 5showing wellstained erythrocyte , lymphocyte (L) and platelets 

(P) using rainwater as buffer. Leishman x400 magnification 

Plate 6showing wellstained erythrocyte , neutrophil (N), and platelet 

(P) using fridge drain water as buffer. Leishman x400 magnification 


Afr J Lab Haem Trans Sci 2022, 1(2): 120 13

Okafor et al/ Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

Plate 7showing erythrocyte with fluorescence at the center, wellstained neutrophil (N), and faintlystained platelets (P) using distilled water as 

buffer. Leishman x400 magnification 


Plate 8showing moderatelystainederythrocyte , lymphocyte (L), and platelet (P

using air conditioned water as buffer Leishman x400 magnification 

Afr J Lab Haem Trans Sci 2022, 1(2): 120 134 


Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

Plate 9showing well stained erythrocytes including a sickled red cell and 

platelets (P) using phosphate buffer 

Plate 10showing poorlystained erythrocyte , wellstained lymphocyte (L), and moderatelystained platelet (P) using deionized water as buffer

Leishman x400 magnification 


Afr J Lab Haem Trans Sci 2022, 1(2): 120 13

Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

Plate 11showing poorlystained erythrocyte , moderatelystained neutrophil (N), and poorlystained platelet (P) using tap water from borehole as buffer. Leishman x400 magnification 



Plate 12showing poorlystained erythrocyte , lymphocyte (L), and platelet (P) with numerous artefacts (A) in the background using tap water from water board as buffer. Leishman x400 magnification

Afr J Lab Haem Trans Sci 2022, 1(2): 120 134 


Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

Plate 13showing poorlystained erythrocyte , neutrophil (N), and platelet (P) with numerous artefacts (A) in the background using 

rainwater as buffer. Leishman x400 magnification

Plate 14showing poorlystained erythrocyte and neutrophils (N) with numerous artefacts (A

in the background using fridge water as buffer. Leishman x400 magnification


Afr J Lab Haem Trans Sci 2022, 1(2): 120 134 

Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

Plate 15showing poorlystained erythrocyte , lymphocytes (L) and neutrophil (N) with numerous artefacts (A) in the background using 

distilled water as buffer. Leishman x400 magnification

Plate 16showing poorlystained erythrocyte and lymphocytes (L) with numerous artefacts (A) in the background using air conditioned water as 

buffer. Leishman x400 magnification 


Afr J Lab Haem Trans Sci 2022, 1(2): 120 134 


Okafor et al / Comparative analysis of different water samples as buffer in Leishman Staining

Acknowledgements We wish to acknowledge the Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion Science, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar for use of their laboratory facility

Conclusion This study has emphasized that the type of buffer used during staining interferes with the staining procedure and affects the quality of slides produced. The study further shows that deionized and tap water from borehole could be used as substitute buffer for leishman staining in cases where the recommended buffer is not available because they are devoid of minerals such as chlorine in them

conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no competing interests

Funding: There was no external source of funding

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Afr J Lab Haem Trans Sci 2022, 1(2): 120 13

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